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TitelGeneral Diaries and note books: 'Yellow I Aug 1923 to Dec 6 1923
BeskrivningTagore Yellow 1 - Woods Hole, Massachusetts, America; Scotland; 'Elmhirst,' Yorkshire; Hitchingbrooke, Huntingdon, home of Alberta and George Sandwich; London; Aden, Yemen; India. Twenty sketches throughout the diary of landscapes, people, flowers, boats and a building.

Contents lists: 3. LKE's effect; 4. Naini Tai Orchis (Aug 2 1922); 6. Bengali; 7. GKC; 11-12 Some thoughts on X; 13. Aug 15 1923 SS Majestic to 26; 27. Sketch - Killin; 28. Poem; 29. Poem & sketch Ardtalnaig; 31. Translation of Chinese scrolls by Civil Governor on behalf of LKE after hearing the meaining of each of my names; 32-40. Elmhirst Sept 17 1923; 41-2 CEE's Prodigal Son; 43 Hinchingbroke Sept 23 1923; 45. Sept 24 1923 London; 48. Oct 9 1923; 49. Oct 12 1923 Michaelmas - Rent Day; 50. Lady Mabel; 51. Nov 6 1923; 53. India Office; 55. Aden Nov 5th 1923; 72. Rajket Kathiawar Nov 12 1923; 76. Nov 14 1923 Palace Wadhman; 81. Nov 26 1923 Porbandar; 88. Dec 6 1923 Bareda; 91. Dec 16 1923 To Burdwam; 93-99 4 Orchis and 2 other flowers in colour.
Fysisk beskrivning7.5" x 5" yellow book
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