
Ref nrT/ADR/7/006
Alt Ref. nr.7359
Titel'The Forrigan Reel' production
BeskrivelsePhotographs from the Playgoers' production of 'The Forrigan Reel' by James Bridie, directed by Douglas Donald and performed by the Dartington Playgoers Society at the Barn Theatre, Dartington Hall from 1st to 3rd December 1949. Music composed by Cedric Thorpe Davie and played by the Dartington Hall Arts Department under the directed of Bridget Headley, assisted by Nan Plummer.

Cast in order of appearance: Richard (Dick) Rushton (Old MacAlpin, a herdsman), J Lawson Lean (Donald MacAlpin, son of Old MacAlpin), Muriel Morgan (Mairi, a serving Wench), Stanley Williams (Grant of Forrigan, a Tacksman), Florence Burton (Mrs Grant, his wife), James Mills (Murdo, a servant), Stuart Bunce (Mr Mack, a lawyer), J Victor Elmhirst (Sir Brian Cooke, a Yorkshire Timber Merchant), Kathleen Hull-Brown (Mrs Mears, his cousin), Leo Fox (Clarinda Cooke, his daughter), Herbert (Bert) Pitman (Walter Philips, his nephew), Helen Cope (Servant at Forrigan).
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